Thursday, January 15, 2009

Toddler beds etc…

I understand the market strategy to sell children’s versions of adult necessities. In an effort to create lucrative markets, businesses billionaires have convinced us that our children need miniature versions of adult products.

My son has a mini stroller for his teddy bear Ahris. He has little shoes just like the Steve maddens I had in 12th grade ( His were actually more expensive!) he wears the same Fox sweater that I have ( I am a size X X large – but more on that in a different post) and now, my eldest son Donniel’s newest advancement the “toddler bed”

It all started earlier this week when my son decided that he did not want to go to sleep. He jumped out of his crib, opened his door, walked down the stairs, and surprised Etana ( my wonderful wife) and myself in the kitchen with a HUGE smile. We sang him Shema and put him back in the crib. After a few minutes of calm and quiet he climbed out again. He was not going to sleep.

What did parents do before the Sealy mattress? Did Toddlers have smaller tents in which they slept on shorter bails of hay? What did parents spend all their money on if not miniature versions of things that even the parents don’t really need.

Well, I caved. We searched online but the price of a toddler bed was more expensive than an adult bed ( no surprise there). Luckily my in-laws know someone who had triplets and therefore have they have 3 toddler beds gathering dust in the house, With my Father in Laws help we received the bed two days ago. He still won’t sleep on it, but at least now I can sleep at night knowing that I have fulfilled my job as a parent and gotten my eldest son a miniature version of my bed.