Sunday, January 11, 2009

What is the next wave of billionaire businessmen currently thinking?

Every successful businessman at some point has had the same thoughts running through their minds. "How can I make more money, How can I keep my current amassed wealth?"

In the past generation if you met someone who I like to describe as "super wealthy" it would be a good bet to assume that either this person inherited their good fortune, or they created it by knowing how to "buy low and sell high". It feels as if things in the business world may have changed. With the crash of the housing market, the current dollar fluctuations, and the uncertainty of the stock market, it has become significantly harder to point out "Super wealthy".

I remember at an earlier period in my life it was easily distinguishable who was wealthy, or at least who wanted to be perceived as "well off". It all started with those lucky individuals who had cell phones, then those who had newer versions of cell phones, then palm pilots, then Blackberrys. Now- well, now it’s those who have private jets. With multi billion dollar ponzi schemes afloat and rampant home foreclosures even those with "private jets" are feeling the crunch.

So now, getting back to the age old question, "How can I make more money, how can I keep my current amassed wealth"? The answer is simple. A successful businessman must ensure the highest level of professionalism throughout his/her entire staff. But how is that possible in a market where everything is outsourced, and everyone is looking to cut corners to meet strict deadlines.

To answer that question, I would like to revisit a realization that came to me only a few years ago. I was at the time working as Director of New Business Development in a mid sized international shipping company. It was the end of the week and I had been cold calling potential clients for the past few days in order to bring new business to my company. My phone started ringing with hopes that it was a prospective client, I decided to push off the weekend just another bit, and answer the phoneTo my surprise it was a not native English speaker trying to sell me some b2b product. Even though I myself was currently employed to do cold calls, I hung up the phone after I discovered that he was indeed cold calling me. I was actually disgusted. I thought, " It is so close to the weekend, don't these people have any respect".

It was then that it hit me. My realization was simply, how did I plan on being successful cold calling companies if I myself just received a cold call and my first impulse was to slam the phone down! From that day on I thought there had to be a better way.

Getting back to our question at hand, everyday we ask ourselves "How can I make more money, how can I keep my current amassed wealth". What’s my answer? Simply put, the answer is a country created by the United Nations in 1948. A country that is considered to be the Jewish ideological state and at the same time the Jewish homeland. By outsourcing to Israel any business can “cut the corners” and not lose any level of quality or professionalism.

The varied international demographic composition in Israel allows it to offer businesses qualified native language speakers for any possible business need. The trend of outsourcing has been pushing India, Philippines, Brazil, and many other third world countries. Customers are getting tired of being hassled by phone calls made by heavily accented callers. They call during dinner, they call on Sunday, and they sound unfamiliar.

It’s been a few years since since I moved to Israel but I have been building my dream ever since. I live in Israel which is a unique land not only for Jews, but also for anyone looking for the highest level of professionalism at off-shore costs. It is no surprise that Israel proudly holds the award for greatest higher education to civilian ratio. With the recent influx of immigrant populations coming from North America, Europe, and Russia, Israel has become an ideal outsource location.

My company IOC Israel is just one of the many call centers located in Israel. I can only speak about my staff, but I know that we can be ranked amongst the best in the world.Israel is shaping up to be a serious contender for world’s next provider of quality telemarketing and sales.
In closing, to answer the question the next wave of successful businessman are trying to find ways to “cut the corners" but still remain just as professional.

Contact me today with any questions you might have.