Friday, February 20, 2009

Elevator madness

The laws of elevator physics requires passengers to exit a full elevator before others can enter. This apparently needs to be written in large, bold, and underlined type on every elevator located in a mall.

Let me explain.

Just a few weeks ago I went shopping in Malcha mall (Jerusalem) and was witness to an amazing feat. People were standing in line waiting to ride the elevator. In fact, a small Israeli boy asked me if it was free to ride. I had never seen people wait so patiently in line before. Everyone was staring at the monitor that had written on it which floor the elevator was currently positioned on.

I thought to myself, why would any human being ride an elevator when there is an escalator located near by? Do they have a stroller, or a small child with them that requires the use of an elevator? Is it the fancy see-through glass encasing the elevator that excites them enough to wait in line? Could it the cool lifting feeling that the elevator offers its passengers? I would think that an escalator would be a cooler sensation, look ma, these stairs move!

So there I was with my double stroller, 2 crying babies, bags of already purchased items, and in front of me in line for the elevator was a bunch of perfectly healthy looking teens. Albeit arse looking, they did not appear to have any physical impairments. Everyone was waiting patiently for the elevator to arrive.

Once I did successfully enter the elevator I was quickly pushed into the back by a group of over eager passengers. When the elevator finally reached my floor, I was not even able to exit the elevator as more and more people pushed their way into the elevator!

What is the marketing secret behind the elevator? Companies all over the world have tried without success to market items that contain elevator levels of excitement. Some unique products were close to reaching this high level of customer anticipation. Companies like Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo, Apple, (just to name a few) have spent millions in marketing and are still not able to get people to wait in line in order to receive their products.

I am going to open this one up to the blogging world. Is the appeal of the elevator simply the laziness of modern man? Am I the only person left who takes the stairs?!